Monday, July 21, 2008

Financial Results

We have all heard of wheat grass, pomegranate juice. We have some bad news for those of you who believe that the wheat grass or pomegranate juice is the best to buy. The new kid on the block is the purple little fruit that was found on a palm. This fruit has users claim that it is the most nutritious and versatile foods in the world.

Acai which is pronounced Ah-Sah-Yee has grown so quickly and taken off in the market place in such a way that it went from zero to a $2 million dollar business in just a couple of years. Infact it has now turned into a $4 billion dollar a year industry just in brazil alone. This berry has attracted celebrity fans such as Gisele Bundchen, Andre Agassi and Sting. It has been described by Health Scientists from around the world as “Nature’s perfect food.”

This has been served in juice bars as a slush puppy which usually is mixed in with bananas and guarana extract. This berry tastes unique but tropical. It is like blueberries mixed with chocolate. The taste is just sensational.

The Acai berry has been used by many different groups of people including surfers, jujitsu champions, party goers and even conservative people. In financial terms if you look at the fact that over 200,000 litres of Acai berry juices are consumed each day just in Belem alone which is the colonial port at the mouth of the Amazon. Then if you look at it from as a dollar value per 750ml you would quickly work out that it is $8,000 a day consumed by a small port. In turn just out of this one area alone that’s a $240,000 dollar a year industry. While this does not seem like much just in the first two years that it was released in the US it jumped to a $2.5 million dollar a year business just for one company alone.

Now some three or four years later there has been over US $4 billion dollars of juice has been produced. Finally it has reached the shores of Australia and the market is taking to it like you would not believe. It is new, it is proving itself and already people who sell the juice are now using this amazing berry as their primary source of income.

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