Saturday, April 12, 2008

What is Monavie?

While looking around the internet for Acai berry juices you will more than likely come across a product called Monavie. What is Monavie? Why is this so popular? Throughout this article hopefully you will learn what makes Monavie so popular and what Monavie is exactly.

Monavie is a product made up of a proprietary blend of 19 different fruits. This blend is what makes the juice so popular. There are various aspects of this blend like the high ORAC score, the antioxidants contained within the blend and many other health benefits associated with the Acai berry fruit juice.

Monavie is a product that was released in January 2005 by Dallin Larson and his team of researchers. The break through that Dallin Larson and his team came across showed not only potential but something that could potentially change the world of Superfoods and the health industry.

There is four products available on the market made by Monavie these are broken up in to a couple of main products which are Monavie original and Monavie Active. Both of these products come in a juice and in a gel pack. The only difference between the juice and the gel essentially is the packaging and the amount of Monavie blend available in each package.

Monavie is distributed not through the normal channels of a retail store or a wholesale company located in capital cities but rather through distributors who can not only just supply the product but provide you with an application form to sign up for Monavie.

Why would you want to sign up as a distributor of Monavie? There are really 2 reasons which are not only logical but they are also beneficial to yourself and your family. The first is so you can not only purchase Monavie yourself but you can get the benefits of the price difference between buying retail from the distributor and the second reason is so you can supply your friends, family or even associates this product which has many great health benefits. The best part about this distributorship is the fact that once you reach a certain level within the Monavie distributors system Monavie will send you out a new Mercedes for FREE!

Have a read through a website which is full of testimonials, articles and other helpful information about the Acai berry and Monavie. If you have some spare time take the time to watch the 19 minute video from Dr Lou Niles who talks about Monavie and the health benefits obtained from having the Acai berry and other fruits as a part of your diet. The website is

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